WHO Antibiotic Awareness Week: 12-16 Nov 2018

The upcoming five days will feature tailored multiday messaging  that corresponds to each of the five strategic objectives of the Global Action Plan GAP; awareness, global AMR surveillance, infection prevention and control, optimal antimicrobial use and investment and R&D as follows:

·         12 Nov 2018, Day 1 –Awareness and Behaviour Change
·         13 Nov 2018, Day 2 –Global Surveillance and Research 
·         14 Nov 2018, Day 3 –Infection Prevention Control, WASH and the Environment
·         15 Nov 2018, Day 4 –Optimising use of antimicrobials in human and animal health
·         16 Nov 2018, Day 5 –Investment and R&D in AMR

We have developed a quiz for you to test your knowledge on the different  thematic areas of the campaign.

Take the  quiz by following the links below:

Make sure to share this also with your social networks and raise awareness on AMR

·         Community hygiene practices quiz: http://www.emro.who.int/waaw2018/quiz/chp/index.html

We have also gathered a set of social media messages and organized them based on the themes of the week. The social media cards and GIFs are in both Arabic and English.    

Below find also a link to  the latest 2018 messages  (cards and GIFs)  in Arabic, French and English


Don’t  forget our HERO application. Pledge and become HERO by following the links below:

English: http://www.emro.who.int/waaw2018/
Arabic: http://www.emro.who.int/waaw2018/ar/
French: http://www.emro.who.int/waaw2018/fr/